
23rd February 1991
MDIS - Business Management




Professional Certificate in B.M
Diploma in B.M
Advanaced Diploma in B.M
Degree in B.M
Japanese Language Lesson
Korean Language Lesson
Canon 100IS Red


Ashin, Che Yee, Connie, Crystal, Eugene, Guo Wei, Hui Qi, Irwin, Joel, Lok Hang, Melissa, Miyuki, Nicholas, Online Shopping 01, Online Shopping 02, Rachel, Ron, Shi Hui, Shimin, Stay Real, Tomoko, Zoe


Saturday, March 28, 2009

It have been two weeks since Grandmum left us. There is so many things happen after her departure. I see the true colours of my Uncle. Somehow I started to hate him. Another arrogant Uncle I have. Shitty people. Now he has money cause he take charge of all the money and jewellery that my Grandmum left. He keeps all the good stuff for himself. The worst part he did was to treat us like an outsider. What the fuck!

This Aunty who seems to be my Uncle's girlfriend is acting as if she is my Uncle's wife. She did so much talking during funeral and after funeral. She is just a wolf with a sheep's skin on her. I never like her before. She simply bothers too much. If you tries to provoke either my Mum or I, I will definitely scold her back. She doesn't have any rights to be involved into our family's matters. She even told me that her daughter cried when she knew the departure of my Grandmum. Then why she didn't come and attend my Grandmum's funeral! Bullshit!

To my arrogant Uncle:
Keep all the money and jewellery as long as you can. Don't even think that all these you will have it forever. You're nothing in my eyes! Don't ever expect me to respect you and be nice to you. Since you treat us like an outsider, I will treat you as one too. If you're unhappy that we hired your ex-maid, just continue to be. Treat people nicely, people will do it as well. Stop thinking that we will go and steal your stuff when we are doing the packing! We have the money to buy what we want. Is there any valuable stuff in Grandmum's room or store room? I guess you have already keep those valuable stuff by your side already. I'm not going to step into your house when my maid had collect all her things from your house!

To that Aunty who thinks she is our famiy member:
Let me tell you that I dislike you from the start. You're just a wolf wearing a sheep's skin. So what if you're my Uncle's girlfriend. I don't give a damn. Don't expect me to respect you either! Oh man! Trying to tell my Mum that you sit my Sis' car that's why her car plate number appeared in 4D prize. I know you're trying to get some news from my Mum. Fat hopes! You don't have the rights to ask where my Mum put the hangers! You don't have the rights to keep looking at my Mum & Atun when they are in the kitchen! You don't have the rights to comment anything regarding our family matters!

Lastly, I don't wish to see both of you anymore. Bye!

11:10:00 PM